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Head Admin

Registered: 12-2005
Location: Cambridgeshire, UK
Posts: 17975
Karma: 128 (+129/-1)
posticon Start over from today.


Hope this doesn't sound too sappy but because of some things going on I wrote this for the collective YOU at a couple sites...


Start Over From Today

So you slipped up –fallen short of your goal– start over from to day.
Do not look at it as failure but an accomplishment that you have even tried. How many people never even try, and therefore, never have the chance to slip and opportunity to start again.
You are among the brave - the ones who dared to try - to move on, get better, achieve something more.
So you made a mistake –we all do we’d be lying if we said we did not.
Don’t beat yourself up about it - start over from today.

For however long you did or didn’t do whatever you were striving for- it is a major accomplishment for YOU. Weather it was a year, a month, a week, a day or only an hour. YOU did it! Yes - You.

Give your self permission to be human and have had a lapse. Give yourself permission to be happy, to try again, to be successful and start over from today.

We have never failed in trying, we always learn from it if we let ourselves. Part of learning is to know that we are strong and brave enough to try again. No matter how rough, how hopeless or lost the situation seems...
We Can Always…
Start Over From Today.

I wish you all well and courage. It is hard to be strong –it is easy to think we failed. But
I hope we all will ask for help if we need it and except it when it’s offered and…(even if it’s just a hug) and…

Start Over From Today!

Peace to you all,



10/1/07, 18:35 Link to this post   
edanamia Profile
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Registered: 10-2007
Posts: 10
Karma: 2 (+2/-0)
Re: Start over from today.

hey how are you doing?

i really like this and this is what i need to hear right now, i emailed it to myself to my email so i can check it on my cell phone when i go out of town if i do go out of town this weekend.

and i will print this out and put it in my notebook
13/2/10, 21:47 Link to this post   
ScattyCat Profile
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Head Admin

Registered: 12-2005
Location: Cambridgeshire, UK
Posts: 17975
Karma: 128 (+129/-1)

Excellent!! I am glad this helps you emoticon I am ok thank you. Unsuccessfully dieting at the moment lol. xxxxxxx


15/2/10, 22:32 Link to this post   

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